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关于帝国科技侵权行为声明 Imperial-scientific Infringement


1. 帝国科技XX201810月至201911月于我司担任工程师一职,其签署的劳务合同中明确规定“保密,不兼职和不竞争”条款(附件证据1,而从20197月孙尚在职期间,便伙同家人全家总动员对东家进行不正当商业侵权,后因行为败露于202083日收到律师函后于8月底更改关联公司信息以掩人耳目(附件证据2

2. 2019年底经交涉和警告后稍有收敛,而于2020年继续其侵权行为,包括公然将前东家公司名“溢鑫科创”作为网络推广词(附件证据3,及将前东家公司产品作为其网络推广词(附件证据4进行招摇撞骗;

3. XX离职后既然继续使用我司名义销售山寨假冒产品给我司老用户,比如在国内仿冒英国Cressington靶材销售给我司老用户,且假冒产品标签也做的一模一样,并宣称这个假冒靶材“优于市场上一切靶材”,已被证实上当被骗客户有:华北电力大学,燕山大学等(附件证据5

4. 除了产品假冒和山寨外,其公司运作和宣传各个环节也无不透露着高度模仿,比如我司多年的宣传口号“印刷电子专业供应商”XX在公司2019年年底创办的第一年就直接复制粘贴宣传“印刷电子专业供应商”(附件证据6

5. 帝国科技孙XX未经允许冒用前东家产品的商业资料进行虚假宣传,如使用美国密西根大学王川老师用我司Sonoplot设备的PDMS可拉伸器件的应用结果( PS后充当其Botfactory产品彩页的虚假宣传以及网站的宣传(附件证据7)

6. 因舆论压力孙XX与2020年连续手写三封道歉信以求东家原谅(我方将适时公开信件内容以证其虚伪本性),后孙XX于2020年底深圳会议声泪俱下当面祈求原谅。2023年开始孙XX继续对东家侵权行为,其将任职时负责过的SIJ产品性能恶意贬低和侵犯商标,并将其不道德行为公布于产品彩页和展会海报以便业内人士共赏(附件证据8)

7. 除了侵权东家外,孙XX与美国Botfactory和Chamstek公司合作期间于2022年6月将两个合作伙伴的产品类似技术申请了中国专利(附件证据9)

8. 鉴于孙XX长期主观恶劣的不道德行为,我司已诉讼于法律, 除上述几点主要侵权证据外,孙XX还进行着其他多种违法行为侵犯东家权益,包括未授权侵权XENON产品,未授权侵权FOM产品,未授权侵权NovaCentrix产品,未授权侵权Polypico商标等,多角度全方位模仿东家甚至包括宣传口号和名片设计(附件证据10和11)

Recently, we got many customers’feedback that the company of "imperial-scientific" falsely use our company name and copy our products to mislead the customers, so we declared as belows, what is based on objective facts and some important evidence has been notarized by lawyer:

1. Helius Sun, founder of imperial-scientific company, worked as an engineer in our company from Oct,2018 to Nov,2019. And his signed labor contract clearly stipulates the terms of "confidentiality, no part-time work and no competition" (Below Evidence 1). But, since July,2019, Helius Sun has engaged in bad commercial infringement against his currently working company together with his family. Later, due to the disclosure of the behavior, after they received the lawyer's letter at Aug, 2020, the information of his affiliated company was changed at the end of Aug,2020 to cover people's eyes and ears (Below Evidence 2);

2. After negotiation and warning at the end of 2019, Helius Sun slightly converged, but he continued its infringement from 2020, including blatantly taking the our company name "溢鑫科创-YixinTech" and our company products’ name as the website promotion words to deceive inquiry customers (Below Evidence 3 and Evidence 4);

3. After leaving our company, Helius Sun still using our company name try to sold fake consumables to our users, for example, Helius Sun make Pt and Au target locally in China but post with label information exactly the same as our Cressington products, including every word, logo, P/N numbers, and declared their fake target "better than all other targets on the market - 优于市场上一切靶材". Now it also has been proved to be deceived clients: North China Electric Power University, Yanshan University and so on (Below Evidence 5);

4. Besides counterfeiting and copy, all links of imperial-scientific 's operation and publicity also reveal a high degree of copy. For example, we used the slogan for many years "印刷电子专业供应商-Professional Supplier of Printing Electronics". Helius Sun directly copied and pasted this exactly same slogan from the first year of his company's establishment at end of 2019 (Below Evidence 6);

5. Without permission, Helius Sun/Imperial-scientific falsely uses the commercial materials of the products of our company, for example, they use the application results of PDMS stretchable device of our sonoplot printer used by Dr.Wang Chuan from Michigan State University( acts as the publicity of the brochure of their Botfactory product and website after PS (Below Evidence 7);

6. Due to public opinion pressure, Helius Sun wrote three consecutive apology letters in 2020 to us to seek forgiveness (we will timely disclose the contents of the letters to prove his hypocritical nature), then Helius Sun also tearfully pleaded for forgiveness in person at the Shenzhen conference at the end of 2020. However, from 2023, Helius Sun continue to infringe on the performance of our SIJ products, maliciously belittling SIJ specification and infringing on trademarks, then published his unethical behavior on his product brochures and exhibition posters for public (Below Evidence 8);

7. In addition to the infringing his former employer, Helius Sun applied for Chinese patents for the similar product technology of USA Botfactory and Chamstek in June 2022 during his cooperation with Botfactory and Chamstek (Below Evidence 9)

8. In view of Helius Sun's Long-term, Subjective and Unethical behaviors, our company has implemented legal proceedings to him. Besides the main evidences of infringement mentioned above, Helius Sun has also engaged in various other illegal activities that infringe on the rights and interests of his former employer, including unauthorized infringement of XENON products, unauthorized infringement of FOM products, unauthorized infringement of NovaCentrix products, unauthorized infringement of the Polypico trademark, etc., and imitating us from multiple perspectives and details, even the company slogan and business name card (Below Evidence 10 and 11);

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